Sunrise, a javascript module

This javascript Class Solar was taken and rebuilded from
It was rebuilt for the need to make it a little smaller in size (perhaps faster?) and use it in some of our projects

NO documentation exist!
we assume that does the same calculations as suncalc3
might that you have call functions in different way i.e
this.moon.moonTransit or solar.moonTransit

FULL Documentation from suncalc3


Those scripts builded as ECMAScript classes.
Before you use them please read if you can use javascript ES6 and above.
Or read more details for ES 2016 plus.
Cherry on top, forgot older browsers like I.E, edge18, etc.


Free to public. Do whatever you like with those Scripts.
Dig on code and do your magic to make it better.
Or make something new for your needs.
If you use it or if you like it, spread it to world, and if you are in good mood give us a backlink!

CC0 Free to public